Disorganized thinking is another part of schizophrenia. Those with this disease will be known to jump from one subject to another with no connection.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
The major symptoms of fibromyalgia are widespread pain, tenderness to light touch, moderate to severe fatigue, heightened sensitivity to skin, tingling sensation achiness in the muscle tissues, prolonged muscle spasms, weakness in the limbs, and nerve pain and also chronic sleep disturbances.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
There was another student whose parents came to seek advice for the similar reasons. His teacher also labeled his as ADHD but actually he was a normal, active child with average intelligence that too on the higher side.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Autism is a kind of problem where the children could not interact properly with others, where they have problems in social interactions and problems in communications where they are not able to able to express themselves properly and they have a repetitive behavior where they repeat the activities again and again.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Stress is the part of life. Basically, it is of two kinds:- Eustress and Distress. Eustress is the stress or tension which comes into the events or incidents of happiness like marriage, birth of a child, getting a new job etc. Distress is the stress or tension which comes due to the effect of unpleasant events like loosing a job, or death in a family or getting divorced etc.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Grandiose and religious delusions are typically less frightening. A person having a grandiose delusion, for example, thinks he's someone very powerful or important.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
In some cases, hallucinations may be normal. For example, hearing the voice of, or briefly seeing, a loved one who has recently died can be a part of the grieving process. -
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Although there is no specific diagnostic category for the comorbidity of depression and anxiety in the DSM or ICD, the National Comorbidity Survey (US) reports that 58 percent of those with major depression also suffer from lifetime anxiety.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Ageing itself can not be prevented, but the senescence of it can be mitigated. However, the evidence relating certain behaviors, dietary intakes, environmental exposures,
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Causes and symptoms of ADHD, as well as the prognosis and preferred line of treatment for this behavioral disorder.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. Children with ADHD have impaired functioning in multiple settings, including home, school, and in relationships with peers.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Among all the dilemmas facing a parent of a child with emotional or behavioral problems, the first question-whether the child's behavior is sufficiently different to require a comprehensive evaluation by professionals-may be the most troublesome of all.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
The people in depression feel sad, tired and low in energy all the time. They are usually not able to concentrate on their work. Either they sleep very less, wake up early in the morning or they sleep too much.
Author : Dr Smita Pandey Bhat More
Stress is the physical or mental demand upon a person that exceeds the capacity of the body. It means stress the pressure on the person that makes the person loose his balance. During stress -heart beat increases, palpitations increase, the person starts breathing heavily, or one can have butterflies in his or her stomach, the person starts blushing, sometimes, the person also stammers while speaking.
Author : Smita Pandey Bhat More
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