Babies are said to be a gift from God. What we usually witness on child births is gaiety and happiness. And why not! A member of this kind and type is deemed and destined to bring happiness with itself. At the very same time the child is given a lot of pamper, warmth and care of-course. However circumstances! The courseof any and everything follows the circumstances. As a matter of fact, one event can take a number of rather infinite attires at the brink of circumstances!
A baby sleeps to an unknown lullaby, inside the intensive care unit of a government run hospital. He sleeps in the carefreeness in a rather plain cot, wearing plainer clothes. The attention grabber with this new born is the name-tag that is pasted over his sweater. It reads "C/o Almighty". The child is looked after by the hospital staff and what next? The district magestrate and its machinery are looking into the matter.
(Semmingly) Very strangely a ladyin her early 20s gave birth to a baby and abandined the baby and the hospital the very next morning. Time till this moment, bears testimony to the fact that a mother is born nine months prior to the birth of the baby. This is no exceptional situation but a contradictory.
When a majority of the people ar ebeing judgemental with the mother and the baby, we really need to introspect. Neither the vain blame game with the special characteristic feature of "shifting the blame" not the instict of judging can do the help. Aforementioned, circumstances... Its only the wearer of the show who knows where exactly it pinches. By judging the lady as immoral and the baby as illegitimate, all by our fancy are a mere waste of time and energy. Further it counts for an injection of enhanced poison in our thinking system (that certainly we are in no position to afford).
What idea do we have of the lady, of what she has faced, wha she has been facing or what she will be confronted with in future? Like any and every other human being her circumstances would have had a greater say in her actions. And the child in his carefree sleep, he has no idea what nature and circumstances have left him to battle with. "Abandoned" espacially in a society like ours is a big tag of blot and why not, ours is a society of fowl judgementalism.
This case explicitly is in itself an indication. It is a social indication to a number of ills, our society is stigmated with. What was a consideration so harsh that it forced a mother to abandon her newly born baby? This merely is not an incident rather a jerk to our slumber this is.
A doctor on my enquiry revealed some facts that shook my being to the core. For me a case like this was a novelity and to my (rather vain) expectations, it had to be a novelity for the doctor as well. On the contrary, he told me that they face these kind of cases quiet often. (These kinds? Doctor supposedly was being judgemental!). He went on telling me that, they do witness quiet a few cases of illegitimate pregnency... (Only to provoke my goose bums). However under a law of the constitution of India, unwanted pregnency can be terminated. And the rest follows, I suppose!
One another manifestation of the deteriotation, our society has been left to battle with. To my consideration there is a lot of difference between the former and the latter yet there are similarities. Falling morals is what bounds the two in one tie.
Our ancestors have left us the message of love and peace, of honour and legitimacy, of righteousness and regard, of warmth and care but falling morals pushed us beneath the subsistence levels of good and goodness. Howcome can love be replaced by lust, care by showoff and legitimacy by illegitimacy? How can the tender most heart of the mother mummify to that of a solid rock, unmoved and untouched?!
Love has been a bond between souls and physical existence has nothing to do with it. Over the course of generations, the message of this untouched yet supreme bond has been lost behind curtains. On the name of modernization, there has been the growth of lust and pomp. The words have been robbed of their meaning and truth concealed behind the dark veils of loe and guise.
Has love had meanings like getting physical, earth would have been a manifestaion of a deteriatriating hell. Such kind of notions are a mere coincidence, of what man had tried to abandon centuries back; the state of jungle, barbarianism. Where there was no understanding and no sophestication, where life was cruel and corresponded animal behavior.
Rumi says;
"When you have indulged in lust;
Your wings drop off;
You become lame,
abandoned by a fantasy.
People fancy they are enjoying themselves,
but they are actually tearing out
theor wings,
for the sake of an illusion..."
"Love is cure, Love is power
Love is the magic of changes,
Love is the mirror of divine beauty.
Come, let us all be friends for once.
Let us make life easy for us.
Let us be lovers and loved ones.
The earth shall be left to no one else..."
We indeed have not walked thousands of miles away from our ethics. There is hope and there is the opportunity of revival. We need to understand the essence of ethics and of morals. We need to penetrate into the meaning of love. It is with this that the dirt shall cleanse itself away from mud and out from our society.
Just as we are exposed to bad propagation and negative propaganda, we need to expose ourselves to positive sources and apt knowledge. We need to understand life; for that matter death too. Theology poetry and philosophy. Just a matter of change with exposure our attitudes are deemed to follow.