"I was advised by collector to name the suspects by sending fiticious letter, but keeping in veiw that who ever has done it is again from my community.I pfrefered to remain silent with the intention that good sence may prevail upon these Rawans as both are 'x' servants, but it has been proven wrong by their actions (One out of the two was under suspension or reinsitated and had visited Jail also). Sharam Ti Chak No Yewan."
"Sir am sorry and this is my last mail on the subject as i do not want our dirty linins to be washed in public anymore. We as a community will handle them at 'x'.
Shame Shame- Gar Ka Bedi Lanka Dubaye (Bunch Of Lies)"
"At this moment we can not afford to fight within and among ourselves. Let us all be good friends and develop true team Spirit within us then only we can achieve our most cherished goal. Our top priority should be to set our house in order first then only we can take other projects in hand otherwise it is waste of time and energy."
"So we need not be scared or worried of these cowerds as we will take them to task by hook or crook."
"Why is it that whenever any person writes in a negative way you immediately add fuel to the fire by further attacking the persons without understanding the malafide intentions of the writer.(OR YOU INTENTIONALLY DO IT) AREYOU SUFFERING FROM JAUNDICE and see the world with JAUNDICED vision.
You call yourself SAMAJ SEWAK but to all of us here you act like SAMAJ BREAKER."
"Union home ministry in India is not supposed to know anything related to internal security or important data on enemies of the nation. They are supposed to know how many security men to be provided to so called popular politicians and who among them should be given Z class security. Just see the profile of the guy holding this position. Does he deserve to be there? He is there, all because of HOW CLOSE YOU ARE TO THE AMMA of congress.
We better be ready for such replies from this NAPUNSAK government. What can the Supreme Court do when the police or security agencies fail to prepare a case, may be by design of agencies itself."
"Now let the community of 'x' decide the future cource of action about these Rawans. Kindly treat this as my last mail on this subject. "Akalmand Ko Ishara Hi Kafi Hota Hai".My community is wise enough to understand who is what."
"In the best intrest of my community, I leave it to my community for the time being, to decide and ponder upon the points raised by me on net. Wake Up, WaKe Up, Wake Up, Before We Are Lost
Gul Gandith Sarney Namaskar
Jithan, Baden, Lokten,"
"My sincere advise to you is refrain from such words. There is a common saying in Kashmiri "Zave Chu Taran Zave Chu Maran" Dont try to Create ASHANTI."
"The less we say about these fantastic 'Mahatmaas', the better it is. Community know very well as to how the 'Dukdee' of 'x' and 'y' were able to manipulate in closing down a successful 'x' forum to give life to their dying 'x' forum. Now this forum is called 'x' but old habits die hard. These moderators are persons who pretend to be what they are not, they are HYPOCRITES.
Buhat bewafa thay woh, yeh tum ko kya maloom?
Woh Bewafa Hargiz hi thay, Wafa woh kyoon karne lagey??"
They were never in a position to understand as what the community suffered in all the fields, Only the shoe wearer knows where the shoe pinches."
"I enquired in 'x' from here about you , nobody knows you in person. I want to know you , understand you and find out what ticks you."
"It is important that the Secular Pandits, understand the reality of Islam and Islamic precepts. Having been reduced first to a minuscule minority in its land of origin and then to a non-entity by the wagers of Jihad, some of the so-called Pandit leaders still have the temerity to go gaga on the one-sided tolerence (they call Kashmiriyat). I waited for months for their response on my earlier post on "Secular Agenda" as well as the recent one."

"This has not happened with me for the first time. This kind of an attitude of the moderators had forced me earlier to withdraw from the 'x' and 'y' . Even on the 'x', I protested once and had decided to withdraw. It was on the suggestion and beckoning of friends on the net that I decided otherwise."
"What is going on? Who is doing this? What they want to prove? Why this back stabbing? Who is providing them telephone numbers and addresses?"
"Last but not the least, I am not crazy about Chair like you people.The day my community at 'x' ask me to step down, I will not take minutes. For your informatoion, I have resigned twice in the past after winning the elections with thumping majority."
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