PKM, PK finally become Panun Kashmir Agnishekhar is Convener, Chrungoo, President of new Panun Kashmir By RAMAN RAINA.. Panun Kashmir (PK) and Panun Kashmir Movement (PKM) led by Dr. Agnishekhar and Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo today wrote the Golden Chapter for the History of the joint struggle for Homeland of Kashmiri Pandits succeeding in taking the first step towards the unity of Kashmiri Pandits by merging into one single unit under the nomenclatures and banner of the Panun Kashmir. Even though the two leaders worked hard to motivate the third faction, Panun Kashmir Foundation (PKF) lead by Dr Ajay Chrangoo, the leader was not forthcoming to bring back the glory of Panun Kashmir of early 90’s. As the KPs put it in their typical way the battery of Kashmiri Pandits has been charged with AA ( Agni and Ashwani) while everybody is waiting to see Panun Kashmir in AAA (Agni, Ashwani and Ajay) battery charge to take on the enemies of the community collectively. The participants who were nostalgic about the struggle of the Kashmiri Pandits for their Homeland and their association with their respective units were hurt that Dr Ajay Chrangoo lead faction chose to ignore the repeated calls of unity at a crucial juncture which might have become a red letter day in the history of Kashmiri Pandits twenty year long forced exile. The nostalgia was evident from the fact that PKM had superscripted its press note as the “Last Press Release of PKM”. Meanwhile consequent upon the declaration of integration adopted by the Joint Convention of Activists of PK and PKM at 16th Annual General Meeting all structures were dissolved with immediate effect and at the daylong joint convention of both the factions held at sprawling halls of the Jammu Club, Dr. Agnishekhar convener Panun Kashmir and Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, president Panun Kashmir Movement announced merger of their two factions and pledged to continue their joint struggle for the realization of their cherished goal of the separate Homeland for seven lakh forcibly exiled Kashmiri Pandits. At the 16th Annual General Meeting of PKM attended by the activists of PK and PKM, Dr. Agnishekhar was elected Convener while Ashwani Kumar, Chrungoo will be the president of new avtar of Panun Kashmir. The merger of both the factions for the sole cause of the Homeland was welcomed by the jam-packed hall of Kashmiri Pandit leadership with their repeated clapping and slogans “Jeevey-Jeevey Panun Kashmir”. Both the leaders after making the historical announcement of merger hugged each other and pledged for achieving the goal of the Homeland till their last breath at all costs. Senior KP leaders and members of the Panun Kashmir and Panun Kashmir Movement became nostalgic when they made the special reference of the achievements of their ongoing struggle for the Homeland and said that the total integration of the two main organizations under one banner would now make the Panun Kashmir the strongest voice of Kashmiri Pandits the world over. It was resolved at the joint convention to appoint a 6-member Committee comprising Dr. Agnishekhar, Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, Prof.M.L.Raina, Virender Raina, Kamal Bagati and Pran Kaul to constitute the new organizational structure of PANUN KASHMIR immediately. The convention also decided to transfer all rights and obligations, assets and liabilities of both PK and PKM to the new organizational structure of PANUN KASHMIR on a permanent basis. In his address Dr. Agnishekhar gave the detailed account of his movement and said that for the long time necessity of merger of all the KPs factions for one single cause of the community was being felt and the idea was mooted at the 16th Annual General Meeting and it was hailed by one and all. He said that there will be a concerted effort to galvanize the Homeland Movement and more and more like-minded individuals and groups would be persuaded to join the main force under the joint banner of Panun Kashmir. He said that the Pandit Community has been the victim of genocide, ethnic cleansing and exodus at the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists and terrorist groups in Kashmir due to which their Community suffered lot during the last twenty years of forced exile. He however, thanked Nationalist Congress Party Chief Shard Pawar and various other national level leaders, who came to the rescue of the Kashmir Pandit Community and provided seats for their children in professional colleges of the country. Agnishekhar came down heavily on Separatist leader, Sayeed Ali Shah Geelani and said that while on one hand he draws pension from the state exchequer for being the former Member of Legislative Assembly on the other hand he nurtures anti-India thoughts and visions. He said Geelani’s movement is against the interest of the Kashmiri Community and totally harm the common Kashmiri Culture and ethos. Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo in his Presidential Address said that the coming together of the two ideological groups has paved way for all others to follow suit and join the mainstream. He said that there would always be a room for debate, discussion and accommodation for all in the organisation and movement of PANUN KASHMIR adding the organisation will prove to be a source of strength for the community and the nationalist forces in the Jammu and Kashmir state. The younger generations shall be motivated to join this ideological movement Ashwani said adding the displacement of Kashmiri Hindus is the manifestation of a historical intent of Kashmiri Muslims for Islamic colonization of Kashmir. The PANUN KASHMIR will bring in sharp focus the first and natural claim of Kashmiri Pandits over the land of Kashmir in near future he thundered. The PKM also presented awards on the occasion by felicitating Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo with the “Sarswati Sammaan” for his dedication to the cause of the organisation and the homeland movement while Dr. Agnishekhar was presented the “Guru Tegh Bahadur Maanavadhikaar Sammaan” for his exemplary services to the cause of the community for over two decades. Some activists of both the factions were presented mementoes for their commitment and dedicated work for the cause of Kashmiri Pandit community. The two leaders also released copies of the report on 3rd World Kashmiri Pandit Conference and the Jammu Declaration passed in the World Conference on 12th April 2009 at Jammu. Earlier Smt. Mohini Raina, Chairperson of PKM Ladies Wing inaugurated the AGM while Prof. H.L.Jalali presented the Welcome Address. The young artists under the guidance of S/Shri Kishan Ji Langoo, Anil Kaul and Dileep Langoo presented a number of musical compositions on the theme of ‘Panun Kashmir’. Prof. M.L.Raina presented the Key Note address and the Resolution on total integration of the two organizations, while Utpal Kaul presented the Vote of thanks |
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