Youth Sections "The Captains of Change (Gaia Star)" |
My Thoughts
Shirin Razdan |
Althoughvery insightful and profound, Vedanta philosophy is quite oftendifficult to interpret and explain—especially for us students. Being inninth grade, I had to go through lesson after lesson on the Indus RiverValley and the origins of Hinduism. I felt confident that I knew myreligion pretty well, and as my class delved head on into concepts suchas reincarnation, samsara, yoga, and worship, I was constantly referredto when my fellow classmates had any questions. Full-fledged studentdiscussions are quite popular with my history teacher, and it was notlong before a discussion about reincarnation ensued. During thediscussion, one student who was not entirely supportive of the idea ofreincarnation posed a question that, frankly, left me stumped.
If,during one lifetime, an aspirant cannot attain Enlightenment—there isno reason to fret! While the physical body might not be in existence,the ever-existing soul gets “recycled” and is reborn in another body.Such is the process of reincarnation. “It is not born, it doesnot die; having been, it will never not be; unborn, enduring, constant,and primordial, it is not killed when the body is killed.”(From the Second Teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita). Man is given numerousopportunities to cleanse himself of sins from previous and/or currentlives. Also known as samsara, this cycle of constant rebirths canresult in souls finding harbor in any number of skins—humans, plants,or animals. In fact, as mentioned by Swamiji, a soul can also bereincarnated in other-worldly beings.
Onthat note, I’d just like to add that different people may interpret ourreligious texts in a variety of ways. These scriptures are not meant tobe followed to the tee—they call for our sound judgment in ourday-to-day lives and affairs. As long as one lives a righteous life,with God in one’s thoughts, Self-Realization can be reached. A fullunderstanding of the complexities of the Vedas and Upanishads is noteven necessary. The concepts presented in the Vedas and Upanishads justact as a guide. However, a guide to righteous living can be found inanything—a flowing river, a spiritual leader, a book, a tree, alifelong friend. A simple farmer might be utterly clueless when askedabout the essence of Vedanta Philosophy, but he lives a righteous life,continuously thinking about God. All his actions are done for God anddone through God. Such a lifestyle will surely accelerate his spiritualadvancement and ultimately lead to him realizing the Supreme Self.
By Shririn Razdan |
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