Ever since man set foot on earth he has been busy finding answers to various queries in his mind. His fore most query has been to know how this Universe came into existence and how life evolved on planet earth. Various civilizations came on earth and they answered these queries in their own way, Science which is just a few hundred years old answered these queries in its own way .Science is answering from materialistic set of mind. It is not ready to accept any other version of creation as it feels its version is based on logic. One of the reason for this attitude of science is its borrowing some ideas from Roman civilization which it feels has been superior civilization when compared to other gone civilizations. It is interesting to note Romans borrowed many ideas from Greek Civilization which in turn was influenced by East. Science tells us this Universe is an outcome of a Big Bang. It means this Universe had a beginning. What existed before Big Bang it has no answer. it says this Universe is an matter of accident not because of any design. It on one hand says from nothing something cannot come, yet its Big Bang theory is based on same premise [something came out of nothing]. It even says its assertions are probabilistic, yet it shuns religious ideas for want of proof. It says age of Universe is 1014 billion years, that is date given for Big Bang. By a billion years after Big Bang, the large scale structure of Universe was in place. Scientists say this Universe can have either of fates:--1.Expanding for ever---Open Universe, 2.Universe stops expanding after some time and collapses----Closed Universe. There is third category called marginally open Universe. Now let us turn to East, India to be precise what it has to say on this subject. Indian ideology is not based on probing this Universe but probing’ SELF’. Indian Vedantists believe man is a miniature Universe. What information one can get from outer space one can get same information from probing inner space”i,e SELF’. There are many ways to probe this inner space, one is Awakening Kundalini. In Kundalini awakening one can go from materialistic plane to energy plane [spiritual plane]. This is also science but is not based on matter but on spirit [energy]. Science as on today is not ready to accept this line of approach. It is ready to label it hearsay, bereft of verification. To verify it one needs to do meditation. Is any scientific body ready to venture in this field, answer is no, because it goes against their psyche. Scientist wants laboratory verification which is not possible, labs deal in matter. This Indian ideology is not based on matter but spirit [Energy]. Net result this ideology is being totally ignored by scientists, by west. West is ready to debate theories of young earth creationists who want you to believe Bible literally. They say creation is just 6000 years old. Bishop Ushar even gives date of birth of earth---23rd Oct 4004BC. Dr Morris of instt of creation research says creation is just 600015000 years old. Even in Genesis [511] we are told Adam lived in 4414BC.West is ready to entertain these ideas but ideas on this issue from India are taboo---Racial prejudice. Had eastern ideas originated from west they would have been subject of day to day discussion in west. Now let us examine what Indian ideology says on this matter. India had a civilization in antiquity called Vedic civilization. Their literature is Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas. In Vedas and Upanishads Creator and Created are discussed in length. These books are product of man’s contemplation and God’s revelation. Their truth is not verified by reason but by personal experience. They are laconic in form and hardly intelligible without interpretation. No dogma is allowed to come in way. They tell us how unmanifest gets manifested. It also says matter cannot raise itself, it moves to higher level by the help of higher Self. It asserts that individual soul is not separate entity but Absolute Soul itself though limited in some way. This phenomenal world is mere reflection of the reality. Vedas constitute sublime knowledge revealed to Rishi’s during penance. Vedas reflect all aspects of existence. They throw light on Creation, individual soul [Atman]. They are roughly dated between 3oooBC300BC, long before modern science. It says Creator is both material and intelligent cause of this Universe. Vedas label Creator as Superconsciousness [BRAHMAN] WHICH IS SENTIENT AND THIS WORLD IS INSENTIENT. This world is lower level of this reality. From absolute point of view there is only Superconsciousness [BRAHMAN]----- EXISTENCE,CONSCIOUSNESS, LIMITLESS. This world is superimposition on BRAHMAN, like reality of dream to a dreamer. Visible is permeated by this BRAHMAN who is unmanifest. It is like snake which was not in rope, yet without rope there would be no snake. Vedic physics says time is subtle energy which manifests before cosmic manifestation. Time controls movements of Universe. This Universe is multidimensional. Regarding matter it says it exists in two forms----Manifest and Unmanifest. Behind matter is conscious being which is cause of this matter . There is a fascinating account of Time in Bhagwat puran, a subject eluding scientists today. Read sage Kannada’s GURUTVA. It talks of gravity long before Newton was borne, Rishi was first to say that matter is indestructible. In vaisheshika sutra he talks of living beings made up of 5 elements. Saint Bhardawaja[800BC] writes about Aviation science, Flying machines and space science. Saint Kapila gives account of cosmology. He has written in great detail about Primal matter and process of creation, long before Big Bang theory was postulated. Baskara talks of planetary positions, eclipses in his book, Siddhant Shiromani. Varahmira in Surya sidanta writes about constellations. This is the time when he had no telescope or other tools to help him. In Agasthya Purana saint Agasthya tells us how man can travel in space. Space travel is a distant dream even today. The question is how did they write on subtle topics when they had no tools to help them, plus they lived in an age where material prosperity was many many centuries away? Read Bhagwat Purana it gives you time frame of this Universe. It says life of this Universe is 100 Brahma days/nights. Each Brahma day is 4320,000,000 years. Each Brahma day has 1ooo cycles. It also says there are various Universes [LOKAS]. It talks of space travel, Gravity, time dilation, topics of modern science. It also says this Universe both evolutes and involutes. Conclusion:- It is true present day prosperity of man is due to science. Science is appealing as it reasons out everything but problems come up at subtle plane when even in science reasons don’t work. Science has been working on materialistic plane while sages of India have been working on spiritual [Energy] plane, totally different concept. There are many unsolved problems in this inexplicable Universe, Some will be solved in future but some will remain unsolved forever. Some baffling problems for science are:--
There are many other problems too, life in outer space, what was there before Big Bang occurred to name a few. |
*Dr. Makhan Lal Babu, Born and brought up in Kashmir, lived in Kashmir till his migration from valley in 1990. Retired as Professor and Head Neurosurgery from Institute of Medical sciences, Soura, Srinagar. Has published a lot of professional articles, both in national and international journals. His interests, besides medicine, are in Ancient history of Kashmir, Vedas and Ancient India. His focus is educating youth who are fast losing track of their glorious roots and culture. |