July 2014

*Acharya Surinder Gautama
Sun Signs predictions have been published in newspapers and magazines since 1930 and though most of us strongly refuse to believe in astrology, yet we tend to glance through the Horoscopes Pages of the newspapers. The Zodiac is divided into 12 Sun Signs and each individual fits into one of these according to date of birth. The Sun Sign horoscopes in the news papers or television programmes are 'General' for each sign and should be read in that mode. Your Sun sign represents the sign of the Zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower, ego, individuality, courage, confidence and the unique life path an individual is destined to follow. The position of the Sun in your Birth Chart (Horoscope) to glimpse your character and coming events and your determination to accomplish your goals in life.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
As the fiery Mars, resumes its direct movement after a lapse of nearly 10 weeks, it now empowers you to resolve and settle outstanding issues relating to career, finances and investments. Coupled with the love goddess Venus, the benefic planets bring stability and security to your home and relationships. On the negative side Mercury is retrograde now and you are advised not To start any new projects but finish off the ones in hand. No significant changes to your life style are indicated. Joint ventures and collaborations bring benefits early in the month. Correspondence and e-mails go astray and may cause confusion. Go slow in the last week of June.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
As Mercury goes retrograde from June 7th, communications are lost, new projects fail to take off and friends are evasive. But the presence of Venus till third week of the month brings love, romance and sensuality to your life. The period is ideal to heal past wounds, begin conciliation or start new relationships. Work remains hectic but you will have to trudge along alone, as workmates are engrossed in their own obligations. If you plan to take a holiday or travel for business, ensure that the documents are up to date and recheck the schedule before your begin your journey. Safeguard your money and valuables this month.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
The transition of dynamic Saturn, aided by Mercury influences your career/business and June will see a steady progress. The stress and pressure in your personal and intimate relationships now seem to be dissolving but the malefic aspect of Venus brings about disappointments and delays, but nothing major, but the confusion will clear by 23rd. Your ruler, Mercury goes retrograde from7th June, which may slow down your progress in financial and property matters. June is also a month to retrospect, analyze and redraw your strategy for a secure future. !7th June onwards, your confidence and assertiveness grow and you will on spot light with abundance of social invitations. Physical and mental discomfort is possible at month end.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
The retrograde Mercury prompts you to review, reassess and possibly resume what you left before. If you start anything new now till July, you will face blocks, opposition and hassles and it is advisable to try to finish off old projects. Jupiter the benefactor will leave your sign in July marking start of a new beginning with career and financial opportunities. It is a month to broaden your horizons, change of life style, make new contacts and consider feasible proposals. Your social status and popularity will be high for the first three weeks. You need to avoid over indulgence and hectic work schedule but take plenty of rest instead.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
July will bring fair share of delays and postponements, as Mercury goes retrograde till early July. Your planetary rule Sun will illuminate your personal life and you will notice significant increase in your social life. The Full Moon on the 13th will focus on your love life and close relationships as Venus will exert powerful influence on your marital life and family affairs. Venus’s effect will be visible in business/career relationships. June is excellent month to take a holiday, meet old buddies or visit siblings you have not seen for months. Overseas communication rekindle the relationships. Team work, joint ventures and support from workmates will bring significant advantage.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
In July, the Sun casts a beneficial spell upon your career, with progress, promotion and money gains. The opportunities and resources are bountiful without any challenges and obstacles. You have entirely different viewpoint and attitude to life and an urge to be alone or spend time with the like- minded people will strong. Travel is on your mind and you would like to travel to places that can enlighten your cultural and social quest. Your family life and home will be great especially when the Full Moon appears in the sky on the 12th. Group activities where you can share your thoughts and ideas benefit you. Avoid buying electronic gadgets
Libra (September 23-October 22)
June will be an excellent month for you Libra, after the turmoil and confusion of last few weeks. As Mercury retrogrades till the month end it things will slow down and provide you an opportunity to rest relax and unwind. Love and romance tend to be complicated this month and minor tiffs and arguments with your partner may sour the atmosphere at times. The love goddess Venus creates worries and negativity in close relationships. Career and money matters are to the fore and you will notice that others are willing to help and support. There is a possibility for you to travel far from home around the time of the Full Moon.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Management of money, investments and real estate will be your priority this month. The time is ripe to seek loan/credit and delve in buying and selling of property. The Mars aspect will influence your career prospects and changes at workplace will unnerve and worry you. By mid- month though you will mentally accept and adjust to the new arrangements. Family and home life will be warm, joyous and you will be inclined to help and support each other. Most of you will be busy redecorating or renovating your nest to make it cozier. Look after your health this month and be very careful on the roads and in the kitchen.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Be extrovert, reach out to people and communicate with those who matter to you in your professional life. A change of life style, job or even moving residence is in the stars. Opportunities to enhance your income, clinch new contracts or discovering a new financial resource are out there Sagittarius. Cooperation, partnerships and joint ventures are the key to success this month. If you are seeking a loan/mortgage or business finance, the last week is the ideal to approach the authorities. Your partner will play significant role in your progress and success. The last week in June is filled with fun, social gathering and candle lit dinners.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
With the help of the fiery mars, innovative power, strategy and resumption of career is a certainty this month. The first half of the month gives you a free hand to proceed the way you like to achieve success but some restraints later in the month may slow down your progress. You have ample free time to meditate, look within and chart out a plan for personal security, home and family. Retrograde Mercury give you opportunity to slow down and relax. Your charm and magnetism is impeccable all through the month and you will be seeking pleasure and romance. Be careful how and where you spend your cash. Avoid arguments and discussions with associates and older relatives.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Communications will be your great asset this month as you will have ability and capacity to express yourself and mold others to your way of thinking. Work will be hectic and due the effects of Mars and Jupiter, you may have to struggle hard to finish off your projects. It is very likely that you may change jobs resulting in your change of life style. New contacts, new environment and new surroundings will change your outlook towards end of the month. The first fortnight heats up your passion and make you seductive and sensual. Don’t sign any financial contracts till first week of July and avoid additional responsibilities.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
“Home is where heart is” suits you best this month as you all attention is on your family, children and home. Some of you may be buying new home and others may simply be renovating and redecorating the present one. Whatever happens your prime interest is your home. It is solid month for career as optimism and efficiency make it possible to succeed. Mid-month you are on a prowl to seek pleasure, adventure and fun and by the month end your romantic life begins to glow. Of course lovers’ tiffs may bring about unexpected situation, yet diplomacy and humility will calm down the ripples. Visit older relatives.
*Acharya Surinder Gautama has been offering Astrology Consultations based on Vedic Astrology also known as Hindu Astrology that evolved in India about 4000 years before. Vedic Astrology helps us to understand life purpose and making right decisions about career, finances, relationships spiritual growth etc. He maintains his own website www.gurukaun.com which is regularly updated with Weekly/Monthly horoscopes .Also a Gem Therapist and Counsellor he writes Horoscopes columns for periodicals.
E-mail: guru@gurukaun.com, Tel: 00-44-757504981198
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