Sun Signs predictions have been published in newspapers and magazines since 1930 and though most of us strongly refuse to believe in astrology, yet we tend to glance through the Horoscopes Pages of the newspapers. The Zodiac is divided into 12 Sun Signs and each individual fits into one of these according to date of birth. The Sun Sign horoscopes in the news papers or television programmes are “General” for each sign and should be read in that mode. |
Aries (March 21-April 19) The planets predict that August is a month full of energy and major changes will occur in all aspects of your life around the time of Full Moon on the 6th. The fiery planet Mars transits your sign and you feel aggressive and restless and this creates a confrontational atmosphere at home. Arguments and conflicts arise with loved ones, siblings and workmates mid August. Career and financial affairs benefit from your surging energy but relationships suffer. Health concerns remain your top priority. Life regains normalcy end August. Gemini (May 21-June 21) Avoid gossips and steer away from jealous and bitchy people. At the time of the New Moon, your ruler Mercury transits Scorpio and you dwell upon happier times, inner harmony and listen to your inner self. Cash flow is tight but be patient as in few weeks time your income is destined to increase. Career and relationships are on sound, progressive and pleasant footing this month. Your planetary ruler Mercury links to Mars and Venus brining in love romance and intimacy. It is all fun and play end of the month. Your energy, charisma and charm at its peak this month and you feel full of life, vigour and courage. Travel bug bites you and you will be taking short journeys and far travel for business and pleasure. Focus on finances, legal matters, children, family and domestic errands. Around the Full Moon you may feel frustrated, restless and irritated but if you keep calm and cool, you can sail through unscathed. Just remember that keeping call means keeping calm. Ignore gossips, office politics and avoid over indulgence. Exciting news arrives mid month. Your emotions are on the boil, your charm is impeccable and all you can think is of love and romance in the August hot steamy evenings. People succumb to your magnetism and attractiveness and do your bidding willingly. Your social status soars in August and you are at the centre of business, pleasure and social meetings. Your income enhances, cash flow improves and career/business is booming in August. Far travel, new cultures, overseas friends are on the agenda. Positive opportunities arrive mid month. Enjoy good fortune.
Your planetary ruler Mercury is in Scorpio at the Full Moon on the 6th and dormant emotions, problems with family and loved ones surface at that time. Others are deliberately trying to undermine your projects and you have to hold on to your ground, beliefs and push ahead with your ventures. It is a fortunate period to start new ventures after the 20th when all around you will be supportive. August is high point for finances and you will consider change of life style and possibly relocation.
The planet Sun now returns to your sign and you are determined to conquer the world, let others bask in your charm and magnetism, and are ready for a new sizzling romance. Your planetary ruler, Venus, conjuncts Saturn in Virgo on the 20th giving you peace, calm and happiness at home, progress at workplace and enhanced cash flow. Social invitations flood in mid August- accept them and you can achieve your professional goals mingling with VIPs. Expansive planet Jupiter brings new opportunities. Do not ignore any health problems..
The planetary configuration makes August a restless and confusing month for you. A new romance (or a business connection) is on the cards and with fiery Mars and Venus, the goddess of love, shining their light; you are a force to reckon with. Your communication skills and power help to resolve arguments among family members. Be rational and wary of the investment opportunities and avoid any financial risk. Plan to take children and loved ones out on a short break. Social events will keep you busy. .
You feel the full influence of the Full Moon on the 6th and have abundance of energy, bounce and zing. Your career/business takes off to new heights, your income increases many folds and you feel on cloud nine this month. Romance and love arrives at a business meeting; tread carefully as all that glitters is not gold. Unexpected financial success, bonus or new contracts are destined for August. Far travel and overseas friends are on your mind and you may jet off at a short notice. Be careful whilst handling electrical appliances..
A new cycle begins this month in the career/business, financial, real estate, relationships, family, legal matters and social delights. Your confidence and stamina is at the peak but you need to channel your energy in positive and constructive matter. The hectic pace at the workplace causes some tension and conflict with domestic responsibilities. The tension may bog you down and after 20th you will need to lay back, relax and let others take the lead alternatively take a short break. Romance is linked to a weekend break. . As the month unfolds, relationships become intense and arguments with friends, partners and workmates are inevitable. Others lean on your shoulders to solve their problems and support financially and morally. Short journeys for business are imminent but the long working hours prove exhaustive. Accent is on paperwork, legal matters, communications, outdoor activities and charities. Romance and love are on the cards and unattached, may tie the knot in coming weeks.
Implement changes you have been planning for long, seek new horizons, change of life style and possibly relocation. August is a good month to show your creativity and imaginative skills. Focus on financial affairs and look for resources to increase your income. Deal with legal matters, contracts and agreements around Full Moon, on the 6th August and ensure to read the small print. Keep your business plans close to your heart or someone may steal your ideas. Short journeys and communications fare well. A family celebration is in the offing. |
*Acharya Surinder Gautama has been offering Astrology Consultations based on Vedic Astrology also known as Hindu Astrology that evolved in India about 4000 years before. Vedic Astrology helps us to understand life purpose and making right decisions about career, finances, relationships spiritual growth etc. He maintains his own website www.gurukaun.com which is regularly updated with Weekly/Monthly horoscopes .Also a Gem Therapist and Counsellor he writes Horoscopes columns for periodicals. Acharya Surendra Gautama E-mail guru@gurukaun.com |
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