Sun Signs predictions have been published in newspapers and magazines since 1930 and though most of us strongly refuse to believe in astrology, yet we tend to glance through the Horoscopes Pages of the newspapers. The Zodiac is divided into 12 Sun Signs and each individual fits into one of these according to date of birth. The Sun Sign horoscopes in the news papers or television programmes are 'General' for each sign and should be read in that mode. Your Sun sign represents the sign of the Zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower, ego, individuality, courage, confidence and the unique life path an individual is destined to follow. The position of the Sun in your Birth Chart (Horoscope) to glimpse your character and coming events and your determination to accomplish your goals in life.
Aries (March 21-April 19) The thundering Mars is going to make your life adventurous, exciting and laced with passion this month. But you will need to find equilibrium and as the Sun brightens your life till 20thand you will be able to resolve many a professional and relationships issues. As your energy and charisma soar, it is advisable to control your temper, gestures and reactions. Finances are in disarray after mid-month, so avoid unnecessary purchases. A demanding time is forecast at workplace and the resultant stress may affect your home and family life. As Mars remains retrograde, don’t invest or sign any contract. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Focus is on relationships and with the fiery Mars being retrograde, you feel that others especially your partner are evasive and distant. Solitude and loneliness may affect your performance at work and communications. With hard work, determination and dedication you will achieve your goals and win over your bosses. However the love goddess Venus blesses with love and passion and you will be able to resolve many an issues this month. Avoid launching any new projects this month but continue to concentrate on the ones in hand. Be careful with electrical appliances. Gemini (May 21-June 21) The all giver and love planet Venus rules your zodiac this month Gemini and you will experience a sense of romance, sensuality and seduction. Interaction, networking and group activities are favoured and will help you to further your career and fulfill your desires. For last few weeks you have encountered hindrances and opposition to your plans and these conditions may continue till mid-April. With Jupiter in your financial zone, you are aspired to buy decorations for your home. Social events and possible a wedding may keep you occupied towards the month end. People around you look up to you and would happily do your bidding. Cancer (June 22-July 22) The benefic planets Venus and Jupiter, promise a month filled with love, passion and sensuality. Harmony and happiness are yours to ask for the next four weeks. Your health may cause you slight concern and you are advised to take your medication regularly. Your energy will begin to rise again from mid-April and you are able to concentrate again to complete your professional assignments. You will begin to regain prestige, appreciation and status. Your finances are slowly but surely improving, which will boost your confidence. But with Mars retrograde, expect some challenges. Attend to house renovation and other property matters. Leo (July 23-August 22) April is all about relationships, personal and professional and it will best to stick to the middle road, not to offend anyone or cross the patch of your superiors. Avoid arguments and discussion with your partner or you may open old wounds. When the Sun travels in your house of profession on the 20th, you will notice significant progress in your career and cash inflow. April also favours quality time with your family in the warmth of your home. Your social status, popularity and coordination soar third week forward and you will on the center stage. Guard yourself from stress and worries. Virgo (August 23-September 22) Financial pressure is on the rise this month but with patience, planning and strategy you shall be able to fulfill your commitments without dipping into your savings. Avoid taking any financial responsibilities or signing any contracts. The benefice Mercury restores your confidence 17th forward and you shall be able to progress in career, relationships, property and money. If married or in a relationship, expect harmony and happiness and though romance is in the air, beware of starting an affair. Joint projects, team work and communications are favoured this month. Socializing, partying and reunions bring pleasure but also stress and worry. Watch your health. Libra (September 23-October 22) Sentiments and tense emotions, squabbles and arguments will make April a stressful month. The good news is that your profession and finances remain stable and despite all the challenges, this would boost your confidence and give you equilibrium. You are advised to concentrate on priority tasks rather than waste your energy on disputes. Romance and love is high on your agenda this month and with little effort you will charm your partner and all around you. But remember, you need to change your attitude, outlook and to some extent your image. Changes in lifestyle, adventure and expansion come at end of the month, Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) April is your month Scorpio when all your dreams and desires will be fulfilled. On 5th Venus traverses your sign, enhancing your charm and magnetism and open up new venues for love and romance. Beware of flirtations and temporary flings as this may endanger your permanent relationship, if you have one. Missed phone calls and lost messages which have plagued you in the past are now history and the communications, bring you exciting and positive news. With the combined Sun & Mercury blessing your house of work, opportunities fall in your lap and you may start a new job. Finances get a huge boost; don’t overspend. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) You will have adventure, excitement and adventure this month. It is all fun and pleasure, though at times you need to concentrate on your career and cash inflow. Property matter and investment issues could be resolved from the 17th forward, when others will be sympathetic to your causes and eager to help you, if seeking loan. A job change or going self- employed is a possibility this April. Relationships remain intense early in the month but from 15th forward, the planets bless you with harmony and tranquillity. Your social status continues soaring and it is very likely that you will jet off to an exotic destination. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Communications, interaction, new contacts and joint ventures will bring in significant gains this month. Close relationships are joyous, happy and peaceful. Family members, your partner/spouse and older people will be supportive all the way. Take criticism from bosses lightly and carry on with zest and zeal and you will be astonished that by the third week, you will be offered a power job with cash bonus. Power struggle, desire to stand out, and will to succeed are your assets this month. Speculative activities, overindulgence and squandering money on useless items should be avoided. Ward off stress and try to relax to have clear mind. Aquarius (January 20-February 18) For last few weeks, as Venus the planet of love in your relationships house, you have been having a swell time in love, romance with passions and sentiments bubbling over. 5th April forward, the focus turns to more practical issues relating to career, money and property deals. The lunar eclipse on the 15th awakens your desire to change life style, move to a new locality or drift to a new social circle. Expect success in reputation and status, money and career. You seem to be in a rut at work, but this is only a temporary phase. Be very careful whilst driving and handling mechanical device. Pisces (February 19-March 20) April will be exciting and adventurous month when heart rules over mind and if you are single, you will meet your soul mate and may consider to settle down. Finances are in disarray and unwarranted efforts will be needed to balance your books. Seek advice from experts or your bank manager to manage money. However the picture turns rosy from end April as Venus-Jupiter trine sets in boosting your income. Your energy may be low at times and taking rest, slowing down and relaxing will rejuvenate your energy levels. Relationships are great, domestic scene is peaceful and Physical and sentimental harmony prevails. |
*Acharya Surinder Gautama has been offering Astrology Consultations based on Vedic Astrology also known as Hindu Astrology that evolved in India about 4000 years before. Vedic Astrology helps us to understand life purpose and making right decisions about career, finances, relationships spiritual growth etc. He maintains his own website www.gurukaun.com which is regularly updated with Weekly/Monthly horoscopes .Also a Gem Therapist and Counsellor he writes Horoscopes columns for periodicals.
E-mail: guru@gurukaun.com, Tel: 00-44-757504981198 |
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