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"The Braves Arise " |
magine a world where you are one of millions, who are exactly like you. Individuality is a thing of the past. You are bred to perform a certain task, in a never-land where everyone must conform to his/her own genetic rules. These are mapped out by scientists, constantly trying to improve upon the future, rather than reveling in the present. This world is imminent if we embrace genetic engineering as the primary source of birthing. Long, has the topic of genetic engineering been debated, but it is completely wrong on the grounds of morality if humans are to be selectively created. This practice of discrimination within humans will cause de-evolution of our species.
The use of genetic engineering to create one’s image of a “perfect child,” is unequivocally unethical. The process of creating a child should be maintained in its current state. A child is not an item to be bought, or an accessory to be tailored. It is a physical representation of two people and a mind in its own right. Customizing our children like they are branded shoes is a thought that should be foreign to all of our minds. There is a reason why while there have been numerous advances in countless fields over the years, genetic engineering of humans has not been resorted to. It clearly is something that is not to be messed around with. Are we that shallow as a people that small imperfections disgust us enough to make us desire change from our natural state to an artificial one? If we modify ourselves considerably, where will be stand as a species? Having a baby will be like buying a car; the richer will be able to afford better makes and models. There will be no family, but just groups of cells with no genuine combined value whatsoever? Imagine a family, the same as a set of cars! It is our originality, including our imperfections that make us perfect as a species. If we are to map out and change the genetic makeup of people, we will be shredding the fabric of humanity. This will condone discrimination that is already quite prominent in our society. By making everyone the best in their own fields, the social division amongst us will be much more prevalent. Rather than being one people with different personalities, we will become different groups of people with the same, maybe robotic, personality. These groups will be quite detached from each other, even as forms of species. Another reason why genetic engineering is wrong is that it will de-evolve or dissolve us as a species. As we become groups of uniform “super-races”, we will lose the little things that make us unique and special. If we all become genetically perfect, we will lose the qualities that make us human. By altering our genetics we will basically be limiting ourselves to the same standards. There will be no more exceptionality. Finally, let me say that if we go on the genetic path of modifying humans, eventually there will be no more progress. Take an example; As humans, we have been able to successively create better computers. How many computers have we created that are able to create better humans. As humans become genetic robots, I believe that there will be a limit to their possibilities of creativity, adaptation and generational achievement. If everyone is bred to be the same, there will be a lot of innovation and discovery at first, but eventually there will be nothing more to discover. In conclusion, genetic engineering is absolutely the wrong way to go when it comes to birthing. Life is meant to be lived, not to be spent fretting about how to enjoy it more. Humans have been a high-achieving species. In the quest for creating all perfect humans for tomorrow’s race, we will be compromising our present and risking our longer term future as well. Genetic engineering of humans is not what we need for advancement. A world with genetic engineering replacing normal birthing; it should not be a world worth living in. |
*Arman Koul is a 13 years old, 8th grade student from Andover, MA. He enjoys reading, music and sports, not necessarily in that order. |
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Moral pain of present day man for amoral development of machines has been well calibrated.You have handled a burning topic with ease and insight.Your traditional stand on the issue is deep in thought and philosophy.It is a master piece in rational thinking.Deep disturbing thoughts on genetic engineering which are craze with the modern man have been deftly handled.Keep it up Arman.
Added By pushkasr ganjoo