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I do not get this about democracy. If the government does not deliver, the voters carry the blame. Pure Genius! Where is the accountability for the elected? Why do people from this new "political class" behave like the old Viceroys/ Sultans; Disconnected from the people and connected only to money, graft and taxes? And... then the off-spring of these Sultans (no leaders these) automatically qualify for their positions! |
It is tough to handle these new gadgets. Age and experience do not help. A 7 year old handles a universal remote better than a 70 year old. After one has barely learnt how to end a call on the high-end cell phone, they start advertising its new application that manages appliances. My friend hates gizmos and is not... even over having bought a car phone. Poor guy has to run to his car every time the phone rings. |
What is about fire? I pruned a score of trees, cut 50 odd whole branches and cleared brush. This huge mound of material after burning left residue to just about fill a couple of buckets. It is true that if the fire is strong enough, even rocks melt. It is also said about some people that they have a fire in their b...elly/ a burning desire/ fiery ambition. I guess that such people can melt impossibilities. |
Is it ever too late for trying a fresh start? Sins of a lifetime are washed in a moment of change for the better, by bathing in the Ganges. Say God's name in your last breath and you will still find acceptance with God. So, even if life gave you lemons for your efforts so far, maybe today's fresh start could mark the t...urnaround. Good luck everybody and happy trying! |
How times change! How the meaning of adjectives changes! Going green used to be as in "going green with envy". ONIDA TV commercials anyone? Now going green is such a positive says Arman. Means that not only are you environment friendly, you also educate and inspire others to be so. Only if you have the missionary zeal preserve the planet earth do you qualify to be called green, says he. |
We typically assume technology to take us forward. Yet, one can not but admire how technology also helps us to reconnect with our best friends and finest moments from the past. Do you think that technology will actually take us back in the future? (Question to be read as is) |
The common connection is Kashmir. But what is not common can be of interest too. It is also that delta difference, that unknown, uncommon about you that keeps you interesting/ unpredictable. Shehjar is looking for stories. About people, from people. You! The next issue comes out early May. Keep it alive. Make it fr...esh. Send your news, stories, updates, achievements, events, views to now. |
FB friends-Real Life Friends. Do real friends become FB friends or are FB friends just part of a virtual reality? Virtual Reality; an artificial, computer generated space in which people tend to immerse themselves and which even feels like real sometimes. Are FB friends only meant to remain virtual, mere avatars rather... than people? Can FB friends come to life, and become real through online interaction-communication? |
This IPL thing. They pay their batsmen crores and we pay big bucks for the tickets. Good thing they throw in some "free hits." The girlfriends are all complaining that the cool guys choose cricket over them. But to be fair to the guys, they choose girls over kho-kho, kabaddi and so many other sports. |
Tax time Folks. Heard that accountants started keeping recovery rooms adjacent to their office. Request the tax authorities consider inflation when helping themselves to our income; Give a wad of currency to the gas station guy and he will let you wipe the nozzle dry. And to top it all, the economy goes bad before the bottle of milk in your refrigerator does. |
All the issues being faced these days by people in love, yet all the things they do! I went on a literary journey to find what love means. It figured. Love isn"t decent. Love is glorious and shameless. - Elizabeth Von Arnim The madness of love is the greatest of heaven's blessings. - Pluto Who being loved, is poor? - Oscar Wilde |
Hello Friends. We, the editors of Shehjar intend to post interesting short reads, photos, snippets and fun facts here on this page, from time to time. What do you think fb wizards? Newbies welcome. |
Kashmiri Hindus start their new year, Navreh in mid March. For Hindus in Karnataka and Andhra - it is Ugadi, Marathas celebrate Gudi Padwa and the Sindhis Cheti Chand. Around mid April, other Hindus celebrate the new year as Baisakhi -Punjab, Puthandu Vazthukal -Tamil Nadu, Vishu - Kerala, Poila Baishakh -Bengal, ...and Bohaag Bihu -Assam. Shubho Naba Barsha to all. |
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