ndia is a developing country, proceeding swiftly in its modernization goals. Yet the Girl child, right from birth,in fact from when she is in the womb, faces with discrimination. At the very beginning of her life, a girl maybe the target of sex-selective abortion or female infanticide, in sub-cultures where preference for having a male-childis taken to the extreme. This discrimination has been happening from times gone long past. When a woman gives birth to a baby girl, people in some sub-cultures, even the parents, express remorse. Quite a few of those who do not display negative feelings, do not show the joy that should come from the birth of a child. There is no doubt however that due to modernization, education and improvements in living standards, thinking is moving in the right direction and discrimination against girls is decreasing. However the pace of change in this thinking is very slow.
Many people would rather not talk about this but this affliction can be found worldwide, only with varying degrees of severity. In India, a recent survey reported 10,000 cases of female infanticide annually. The figure does not take into account the number of abortions performed to prevent the birth of a girl child. This is shocking but true. But why does this discrimination exist? The reason behind the discriminating views against the birth of a baby girl is not just expenditure on her education and marriage. Many people would gladly do that for the love of their child. They also know that in these times, girls are even more conscious and helpful than boys towards their parents. It is much more the fear that their loved one may not have control on her own destiny and that the parents may not be able to help in her times of need. They also feel that in traditional society, they would be made to feel lesser when it comes to finding a match for their girl. The insecurity in their minds from everyday acts of violence against girls also becomes a factor. Questions plague their thoughts. What type of in-laws will the girl have and will they take care of her? Will her husband take care of her? Would she be free enough that she can live her own life? These questions are many times justified. Many families in India live jointly, yet not many give a special place to their daughters-in-law. It is not just because of illiteracy as even highly educated people sin in this matter. Every day, newspapers carry a story regarding the murder of a woman by her in-laws or husband for dowry or for some other reason. The news remains in the limelight for a few days and after that nothing is heard. Parents approach the police for help, file complaints and try for detention of the culprit, but in many of the cases the culprits go free because of the lack of evidence. Think about those parents who have had to deal with an act of violence against their princess daughter by a neighbor, another man on the street or even by her own husband and in-laws! This is the main reason why parents do not feel joy at the birth of a baby girl. The extreme of that is selective abortion or female infanticide. The Government has already taken a number of steps to curb this menace but the need of the hour is a change in the thinking of people and provision of security for women with deterrent, public punishment for offenders. Just banning sex determination tests in ultrasound clinics is not the solution. We, the people have to come forward voluntarily to ensure an environment of safety and freedom for girls and women. |
Dr. Anil Bhat is a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics working in SKUAST.Agricultural University in Jammu. | |
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Thanks for the write-up Anil ji, I was of the opinion that things are changing in India. When ever i see any of my friends pregnant, i always make it a point to tell both mom and dad how lucky they are to have a baby, specially if it is a baby girl who by nature are caring and helpful to the parents in the old age. I and my husband always feel blessed to have the girls in our household, they make us very proud.
Added By Neelam Wali