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A vision of OM OM CHHi AKH DRISHTI ॐ छि अख दृष्टी जया सिबू English Explanation:--- Chaman Lal Raina |
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Chhu Bija Mantra, Panu Shamboo Han OM Wonmut छु बीज मन्त्र पान॒ शम्भूहन ॐ वोन॑मुत Aum is the Primal sound. It is revered as the Shabda Brahman. AUM is the creation, preservarion and its dissolution. Aum is the Unending cycle of the Universe. Aum is the Primal vibration, which is ever existent.Lord Shiva has himserlf uttered the mono-syllable Om. Tset Chetnaayi Hunzi Prer-naayi Suit--- OM Aawurmut चेतनायि हुन्ज़ि प्रेरणायि सूत्य ॐ आवुरमुत The conscious self is ever attached with the symbol Om. Consciousness is the visible force, and complementary to Existent self, which is ever united with its source in the syllable Om. Shabduk Shreh Arthuk Ganeer Kadith --- OM Prowmut शब्दुक श्रेह अर्थुक गन्यर कडिथ ॐ प्रोवमुत Having affinity with the Eternal WORD ,and with the application of its meaning in the mundane world, the entire manifestation is evolved around the syllable Om. Spand Prakash Vimarshu Suit Shaivan--- OM Abusmut स्पन्द प्रकाश विमर्ष सूत्य शैवन ॐ अबुसमुत Shaivism in Kashmir, lays emphasis on Prakash/ eternal light, and that is SHIVA ---consciousness, which is always welded with Vimarsha/Shakti. It gives the Divine touches of vibration, known as the SPANDA, which is whirled with the spanda/ vibration within OM Ichha Gyaan Kriyaa Manz Walith ---- OM Sagnowmut. इच्छा ज्ञान क्रिया मन्ज़ वलिथ ॐ सगनोवमुत The Eternal Will, Knowlege of the Divine, and the actions thereof, get its Agamic nourishment of nectarian thoughts. It is because, that has been sprinkled with the syllable OM. Dhyaan Dhaarnayi Manz Chhu Yogivaw--- OM Lalnowmut. ध्यान धारणायि मन्ज़ यूगियव ॐ ललनोवमुत Meditation for the realization of the Supreme self and the art of being in the state of transcendence, has created a Divine fervor for being in tune with the Supre Being.It has been fondled with the symbol OM Lal Dedi Chhu Keeval Shabdu Akh--- OM Sodmut. लल द्येदि छु कीवल शब्द अख ॐ सोदमुत Lall Ded the Vageeshvari--Vakh Saint of Bliss (14th century), has laid emphasis on the mono-syllable, in her Vakhs. Thus she has always absorbed herself with the Divine ripples of Shiva-consciousness. She has perfected her inner being with the syllable Om. Reshi Peeran Chhu Sharkaayi Manz---- OM Vyowmut. रिशि पीरन छु शारिकायि मन्ज़ ॐ व्योवमुत Rishi Peer the Saint extraordinary of Miracles (17th century) has meditated upon Shri Sharika for years together through the process of Self introspection. He sifted this process with the syllable OM. Ropu Bhawani Chhu Antar drishti Manz Akh-- OM Qotmut. रोप॒ भवानि छु अन्तर्दृष्टी मन्ज़् ॐ क़ो॒तमुत Shri Roopa Bhavani--the incarnation of Shri Sharika, revered as the ALAKH Sahiba has gone deep and deeper into the inner-self, which spinned the ALAKH Vibration through the syllable OM. Krishan Karan Chhu Shabdas Manz Mantra---- OM Wuchhmut. कृष्ण कारन छु श्ब्दस मन्ज़ मन्त्र ॐ वुछमुत Krishan Joo Kar of Rainawari, a contemporary of Reshi Peer Sahib, who had the honor of being the Guru of Reshi Peer Sahib, has visualized the Vedic Mantra, through the syllable Om. Swami Lakshman Juwan Chhu Shaivi Paivand OM Kormut. स्वामि लक्ष्मन जुवन छु शैवी पयवन्द ॐ कोरमुत Swami Laksman Joo, the Ishvar Swaroop of the 20th century, the Great Shaiva Scholar par-excellence of the current era, has grafted the Three branches of TRIKA with the syllable Om. Shri Bhagwanan Chhu Sezras, Pazru Suit--- OM Mondmut. श्री भगवानन छु स्यज़र॒ पज़र॒ सू॒त्य ॐ मो॒न्दमुत Bhagwaan Shri Krishna --the Yogi of Higher realization has churned the Truth and Vedas and the focal pointof the Gita, with the syllable Om. Vedav Chhu Omkaruk Saar Keval OM Kodmut वेदव छु ओ३म् कारुक सार केवल ॐ को॒डमुत The Vedic Rishis have visualized through contemplation and meditation the manifestation of the universe, in OMKAR, through the syllable Om. Jaya Chhai Tawai OM Suitiy OM Likhith---- OM Woonmut. जयायि छु तवय ॐ सू॒त्य ॐ लिखिथ ॐ वूनमुत Jaya--the humble person has knitted Om , with the inner vibration of Om,written on the Om canvas of her being with the syllable OM |
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